Kids and Youth
We love and value the children and youth of Warialda.
We have lots going on to help them hear about Jesus.

Kids Church
Kids Church is a special church experience for primary-aged kids, running during term time on the middle two Sundays of each month. Just like the grown-ups, we sing, pray, and listen to Bible stories—plus, we add in some fun games and even a craft!
We love making new friends and always have a great time together. Kids begin the service with their parents and transition to Kids Church after about 15 minutes.
We have child-friendly content during Sunday services when Kids Church is not on, so that our kids never feel left out.
Primary SRE
We are passionate about young people hearing the good news about Jesus. Every Friday we facilitate SRE being taught in our local primary school. Each child enrolled gets 30 mins of teaching from the bible in an age appropriate and engaging way.
If you'd like your child to be enrolled, please speak to the Warialda Public School office. Every child is welcome.
If you'd like to view our curriculum - click here

Junior Jivers
Junior Jivers is a musical playgroup for 0-5 year olds.
Our sessions are filled with songs and rhymes, movement and story about colours, numbers, and the God who made the whole world! Children are encouraged to develop their gross and fine motor skills, language and imagination, and to socialise with others in a safe and caring environment. The structured 30 minute music session is followed by morning tea and then a time of unstructured play for the children, giving you a chance to connect with other parents and caregivers.
Wednesday Mornings - 9:30 till 11am
$2 per family
Warialda Anglican Parish Hall
Mum's & Bubs Bible Study
Following Junior Jivers, we run a mum's and bubs Bible study. It's a relaxed and enjoyable time exploring God's word, the Bible, in a safe environment.
The kids stay in with us and you can tend to them as needed.

If you're a teenager, we want you to understand, trust and love the Good news of Jesus - so we would love you to come to church on Sundays! There are a few teenagers who come to church every week, so you are not alone. Throughout the year, there are a few bigger events and camps (like Youth Muster & Barraba Bash) which we attend together. You are most welcome!
Kids ministries at Warialda Anglican Church are coordinated by Louise Cimarosti.
If you'd like more information or have any questions, please contact Louise -